01 July 2014

Allergy-free is for me.

Nothing in this country has made me more happy than seeing this page in a menu at a restaurant. This page is included in most menus in Bratislava; it associates common food allergens with a number. If a dish includes one of the listed allergens, it's associated number will be listed after the description.As a person that suffers from many food allergies, this page saved my life!
Regulations set forth my the European Union requires that all EU countries must clearly list all major allergens on pre-packaged food. But, Slovakia apparently took that requirement one step further and integrated it into some restaurant menus as well. This makes eating out for any person with dietary restrictions much easier and enjoyable.
Another thing that I noticed on the menus here in Bratislava was the various "gluten-free" choices. Even at Italian restaurants, gluten free pasta is offered.. FOR FREE. I cannot imagine this happening in the United States or even the Netherlands. Even if every restaurant offered a gluten free or allergen free choice, there would definitely be extra charges added to your bill!

I wonder why this happens in Slovakia? Is the government trying hard to make its citizens healthier in general? Or is there just a high demand for allergen information and gluten free options in restaurants?

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